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Have your say in budget survey

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Ponoka residents can weigh in on the 2025 town budget

The Town of Ponoka is offering in-person or online opportunities for people to offer ideas about the budget.  

In a news release the Town said residents can attend a Coffee with Council event next Wednesday, June 5th, from 4:00 to 6:00pm. It coincides with the Grand Opening Celebration of the new Off-Leash Dog Park at 5609 49 Street.

Citizens can also fill out an Input Survey where they can share suggestions on what areas they think Town Council should focus on in the upcoming budget.  The Citizen Input Survey is available online at     

In order for people to participate in the online survey, the news release said "citizens will be asked to register for the site by providing their email and postal code. That information is kept confidential and private. Registering helps ensure participants are real people and not bots, which helps validate the quality and reliability of the input being gathered."

For people who prefer paper copies, those will be available for pick up at the Coffee With Council event, the Town Office, the Ponoka Aquaplex and the Arena Complex. 

The survey will remain open until the end of this August. Budget deliberations will take place in the fall and are open to the public.  

According to the news release results of the citizen input survey will be shared with the public at


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