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Town of Devon seeks new environmental protections

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DEVON -- The Town of Devon is looking to establish new protections for parks, trails and green spaces.

According to Town administration, the new Parks, Trails & Open Spaces Bylaw would add various protections for natural spaces across the municipality. This would include new regulations to protect local green spaces by preventing damage to vegetation, illegal dumping of hazardous materials, and other harmful activities.

Speaking to the One FM, Devon Mayor Jeff Craddock says the main objective of the new bylaw is to preserve the community’s natural areas for many generations to come. He also notes that the bylaw was developed in conjunction with several community advocates. 

"We had a lot of public reaction asking if we are protecting our river valley," said Craddock. "When we have Devon nature groups coming forward, we believe they will also do their own due diligence in researching and reviewing the bylaw, and hopefully bring back some enhancements to it."

If fully approved, the new bylaw would also add a new permitting system to allow certain activities that would otherwise be restricted, ensuring they are conducted safely and responsibly. In addition to this, fines and penalties for disobeying rules for public green spaces would also be established in the new bylaw.

Mayor Craddock says that another area specified in the bylaw relates to land erosion.

"If somebody actually removes a bunch of trees and creates the erosion of a bank into a river, then we want to have the ability to at least go to this bylaw and say that by doing that, you're now responsible for the damages." said Craddock.

In terms of the financial implications of the bylaw, it's expected that the Town of Devon would be required to expand their Community Peace Officer staffing levels should the bylaw be fully adopted. This would ensure rules relating to protections for parks and trails could be properly enforced, with the appropriate fines able to be handed down. 

The Parks, Trails & Open Spaces Bylaw received its first reading this week.

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