Parkland County, AB
A unique fundraiser returns to Edmonton this weekend. The 8th annual Darkness into Light Walk - Edmonton aims to raise funds for the Coordinated Suicide Prevention Program (CSPP) in the Parkland County Region. According to organizing committee member, Michelle Zoschke, the uniqueness comes with an early start.
“We’re starting at 4 in the morning,” she told One FM in an interview. “It’s worldwide, so everyone is walking around the same time, whoever is hosting this type of event. So you walk in the dark and finish as the sun is rising to signify hope.”
The event begins at the Victoria Park Pavilion on Saturday morning. The event itself began in Ireland in 2009 and has grown to span across 150 locations in 10 countries, and has raised over 40 million dollars worldwide.
“You’re walking in the dark like you would with depression or anxiety or PTSD, that kind of thing,” explains Zoschke, who lost her father to suicide. “With the rising of the sun it gives you hope that things are going to get better and that you have the support that you need to get through whatever you are going through. Or that you can get connected to resources.”
Funds raised will help CSPP work to reduce the number of suicides and provides mental health supports in the region through a number of projects. They include suicide awareness and prevention programs geared towards schools, businesses and organizations, projects that support those suffering loss by a suicide and events such as the Rotary Run for Life.
With the start time being early, Zoschke says almost anyone can take part.
“We’d like people to get there at about 3:30, so then it gives you time to park and walk to the pavilion. You can get your t-shirt and a coffee or hot chocolate, that kind of thing. It’s great you can be back in bed by 5:30!”
Registration is open right up to the walk. You can visit www.darknessintolight.ie to register or for more information. If you’d like to donate to the cause without walking you can go to https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/the-simon-poultney-foundation/