Stony Plain, AB
Edmonton International Airport Business Overview Presented to Council
Representatives from the Edmonton International Airport provided an overview of their passenger and cargo business, sustainability efforts, and regional collaboration initiatives at last night’s Council meeting. They highlighted the airport’s significant economic impact of $4.5 billion in 2023 and 21,000 regional jobs, as well as their interest in supporting the Stony Plain community through the Community Investment Program.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 6 to 22.
Public Hearing Held for 54 Avenue Woodlands Road Right-of-Way Closure
At last night’s Council meeting, a public hearing took place on the proposed closure of the road right-of-way (ROW) on 54 Avenue. Administration has recommended closing an unused ROW in the Woodlands neighborhood, declaring the land as surplus, and transferring it to three neighboring landowners.
This action aims to reduce the Town of Stony Plain’s risk and liability while streamlining the parcel configuration.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 23 to 43.
Bylaw 2700/G/24 – Planning Advisory Committee Establishing Bylaw Receives First, Second and Third Readings
At last night’s meeting, Council gave first, second, and third readings and subsequently passed the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) Establishing Bylaw 2700/G/24. This step aligns with the Municipal Government Act and the Committees Governance Framework Bylaw, ensuring formal governance and clear terms of reference for the PAC.
The committee will consist of five public members who are residents or business owners in Stony Plain, providing valuable input on planning and land development matters.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 59 to 78.
Bylaw 2704/G/24 – Community and Social Development Roundtable Establishing Bylaw Receives First, Second, and Third Readings
Council passed the Community and Social Development Roundtable Establishing Bylaw 2704/G/24 after first, second and third reading at last night’s meeting. This bylaw sets the Roundtable’s governance framework, aligning it with the Committees Governance Framework Bylaw passed on March 25, 2024.
The Roundtable will provide recommendations to support community spirit, belonging, and local access to services.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 79 to 88.
Bylaw 2701/G/24 – Culture and Tourism Roundtable Establishing Bylaw Receives First, Second, and Third Readings
At last night’s meeting, Council gave first, second, and third readings and subsequently passed the Culture and Tourism Roundtable Establishing Bylaw 2701/G/24. This bylaw establishes the Roundtable’s governance structure in line with the Committees Governance Framework Bylaw adopted on March 25, 2024
This Roundtable will provide recommendations on culture and tourism development in Stony Plain.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 89 to 99.
Bylaw 2703/G/24 – Committee Code of Conduct Bylaw Receives First, Second, and Third Readings
At last night’s meeting, Council gave first, second, and third readings and passed the Committee Code of Conduct Bylaw 2703/G/24.
The bylaw differentiates the conduct expectations of public committee members from those of Council members, providing a structured framework for guidance.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 100 to 108.
Bylaw 2702/G/24 – Council Code of Conduct Bylaw Receives First, Second, and Third Readings
Council gave first, second, and third readings and passed Bylaw 2702/G/24 – Council Code of Conduct at last night’s meeting. As outlined within the Municipal Government Act, Council is required to adopt a code of conduct for elected officials. The code of conduct must be reviewed by Council every four years.
The Council Code of Conduct is an agreed upon framework to guide the behaviour of Council members with respect to how to carry out their roles and responsibilities with integrity, accountability, respect, leadership and collaboration in a way that furthers the municipality’s ability to provide good governance to their community.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 109 to 138.
Stony Plain Parking Study Update Presented to Council
At last night’s meeting, Administration presented the Stony Plain Parking Study to Council. The Stony Plain Parking Study was conducted as part of the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Action Plan to explore options for reducing parking requirements.
The study presents various scenarios that could be integrated into the 2025 Land Use Bylaw (LUB) update. Further review will be conducted by Administration to determine any recommended changes for inclusion in the upcoming LUB update.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 140 to 241.
Citizen at Large Board Appointments
At last night’s meeting, Council appointed Rokus Broere to the Town of Stony Plain Library Board for the term of January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 242 to 243.
Please note: This is not the official Town of Stony Plain Council meeting minutes. Please refer to Agendas and Minutes for all supporting documents, and official meeting minutes that have been approved by Town Council.