Councillor Harold Pawlechko Appointed Deputy Mayor
The Deputy Mayor is a member of Council who is appointed by Council to act as Mayor in the absence or incapacity of the Mayor. The Deputy Mayor position is appointed to each Councillor in a rotation. At last night’s Council Meeting, Councillor Harold Pawlechko was appointed Deputy Mayor effective February 26, 2024 until June 30, 2024.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 6-9.
2023 Development Activity Report Presented to Council for Information
In 2021, the Town established a process to report on annual development activity for the previous calendar year based on a desire from developers, businesses, and residents to receive additional information on development activity in Stony Plain. The 2023 Development Activity Report includes an overview of the following items:
- Land development inquiries
- Subdivisions, development agreements, and endorsements
- Development and building permits
- Gas, plumbing, electrical, and private sewage disposal system permits
At last night’s Council Meeting, Council accepted the 2023 Development Activity Report for information.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 22-61.
2024 Appointment of Assessment Review Board Members
The Town of Stony Plain works with the Capital Region Assessment Services Commission (CRASC) for property assessment reviews. Panelists and clerks need training to serve on the review boards. There are two types of boards: LARB for smaller residential properties and CARB for larger residential and non-residential properties. Bylaw 2623/AS/19 requires Council to appoint panelists, LARB and CARB Chairs, and a Clerk annually. For 2024, Gerryl Amorin has been appointed as Clerk, Raymond Ralph as Chair, and a panel including Darlene Chartrand, Sheryl Exley, Tina Groszko, Stewart Hennig, Richard Knowles, Denis Meier, and Raymond Ralph to handle assessment appeals.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 62-63.
Roxanne Kits Appointed to the Tri-Municipal Leisure Facility Citizen-at-Large Board
Council has appointed Roxanne Kits to fill the vacancy on the Tri-Municipal Leisure Facility Board. After the annual Citizen-at-large board appointments in October 2023, a vacancy became available. To find a replacement candidate, Administration launched an advertising campaign that utilized the Town website, social media, and the community bulletin boards, leading to this appointment.
Learn more in the agenda package on pages 64-65.
Please note: This is not the official Town of Stony Plain council meeting minutes. Please refer to Agendas and Minutes for all supporting documents, and official meeting minutes that have been approved by Town Council.