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QEII detour starts to accommodate Leduc project

Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 6:00 AM

By City of Leduc press release

65th Avenue construction

Overnight detours on QEII start April 23 as bridge work continues


Follow posted speeds and detours in area

Starting April 23, overnight detours will occur on the QEII highway between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. while large steel beams are installed on the bridge for the 65 Avenue and QEII Interchange Project.


Over approximately six weeks, the overnight detours will include alternating closures impacting both northbound and southbound lanes.

  • Closure of northbound QEII lanes under the 50 Street exit ramp bridge. Northbound traffic will be diverted to a single lane of the southbound lanes.
  • Closure of southbound QEII lanes under the 50 Street exit ramp bridge. Southbound traffic will be diverted to a single lane of the northbound lanes.


Motorists should expect delays and follow the posted speeds and detours.


The beam installation is one step in the bridge configuration work and will be followed by construction of the bridge deck.


The 65 Avenue Interchange will support safety and ease of movement of people and goods upon completion. It will stimulate continued economic development through investment growth, job creation and diversification in our community.


Learn more about the project and each phase by visiting the interactive 65 Avenue and QEII Interchange website or check on construction progress at

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