Maclab Centre for the Performing Arts
Leduc city council rubber-stamped a report presented on the progress of a new fee methodology for Maclab Centre for the Performing Arts at last night's meeting.
The goal of the work being done on the issue is to increase the use of the facility, while keeping it affordable.
"that's been one of the things that people have said over the years is that local groups in some cases aren't able to use Maclab because it's just out of their price range," Mayor Bob Young noted during discussion on the issue Monday.
There are numerous variables involved in setting pricing at the facility, but some members of council want to ensure the new price structure is in line with similar facilities in the capital region.
"I'm just curious as to what number we might be hit with from an outside group saying, 'we would love to come to Leduc', because we also champion our hosting abilities, 'we would have loved to have come but it was too expensive'" councilor Bill Hamilton said.
Council voted on the following motion following the presentation;
That Council approve the Maclab Centre for the Performing Arts Pricing Methodology as presented in the report entitled “Maclab Centre Fees and Charges Update – May 27, 2024”, and direct Administration to establish proposed fees and charges for Council approval during the 2025 budget process for implementation effective September 2025.
The motion passed 6-1, with only councilor Ryan Pollard voting against it.
Council will now use the report as part of budget deliberations this fall. The city is expected to have the new fee methodology in place in time for the 2025-26 theatre season.