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Leduc to move Waste Transfer Station

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 7:31 AM

By City of Leduc press release

waste, city of Leduc

Yard Waste Transfer Station Moving to New Location 

Relocated compost site opens on June 25

The City's Yard Waste Transfer Station, currently located near the northeast corner of William F. Lede Park, is moving to 4000 56 Avenue. The new site will open on June 25 (weather pending), at which point the old site will no longer accept yard waste.


The station is moving to:


  1. Alleviate strong odours from the station, improving the experience for users in and around Lede Park
  2. Alleviate traffic in south Telford along 48 Avenue
  3. Be closer to the City Operations building, which will support more efficient use of staff time and resources


The old site will be developed into a temporary gravel parking lot, serving visitors to Lede Park.


The Yard Waste Transfer Station is a City-operated composting facility that serves Leduc residents. Materials accepted include garden waste, weeds, leaves and small tree branches or trimmings. There is no fee for dropping off yard waste. Drop-off is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


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