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Leduc RCMP search for stolen boat and trailer

stolen, RCMP

Oct. 2, 2024


Leduc RCMP investigate stolen powerboat and trailer


Nisku Alta. – On Sept. 24, 2024, Leduc RCMP received a report of a stolen powerboat and matching tri axle trailer from business secure lot in Nisku between Sept. 23 at 4:15 p.m. and Sept. 24 at 7:20 a.m.


The boat is described as:


  • 2016 Skiers Choice Supra SE550 Roush powerboat
  • Red and white in colour
  • Valued at approx. $180,000.


If you have any information about the whereabouts of the stolen boat or have information on those responsible, please contact Leduc RCMP at 780-980-7267. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), online at or by using the "P3 Tips" app available through the Apple App or Google Play Store. To report crime online, or for access to RCMP news and information, download the Alberta RCMP app through Apple or Google Play.



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