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Leduc RCMP offers license plate protection

anti-theft screws

Leduc Rural Crime Watch Association partner with Leduc RCMP to host event to install free anti-theft licence plate screws


Leduc Alta. – Leduc Rural Crime Watch, in partnership with the Leduc RCMP, will be providing installation of free licence plate anti-theft security screws, on Saturday May 4, 2024 at the Leduc RCMP Detachment west parking lot located at 4119 50 Street in Leduc from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.


The Leduc Rural Crime Watch Association, prides itself on reporting suspicious activity to the RCMP, by being the “Eyes and Ears of Rural Alberta”. We, as a grass roots organization, are honored to be partnering with the RCMP on this valuable crime prevention project. We welcome all members and non-members, urban and rural, to participate.


“Last summer we saw a great turnout for this event. We hope to see many community members once again for this event ,” says Constable Cheri-Lee Smith, Leduc RCMP Community Policing Officer. “The installation of the anti-theft licence plate screw only takes minutes and will help prevent thieves from stealing and using your plate on another vehicle.”



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