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Leduc looks for Urban Agriculture ideas

Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 10:05 AM

By city of Leduc press release


Tell us what urban agriculture can look like in Leduc

Input to help the development of the Urban Agriculture Plan  

The City of Leduc is seeking resident input to support the development of an Urban Agriculture Plan (UAP). Urban agriculture is growing or producing food within a city and can include many food production activities including community gardens, backyard hen keeping, food processing, and more. The UAP will identify opportunities and constraints to improve food security, promote self-sufficiency and resilience, social and community connections, and support local businesses and local food access. 


Residents can fill in the online survey on how they think urban agriculture can be incorporated into the community. Questions are themed around how residents could imagine urban agriculture in Leduc, interest in participation, barriers and food security. The survey closes on Sept. 25, 2024. 


“Urban agriculture can take many forms and promotes social connections, sustainable food systems, and educational opportunities that have a positive impact,” says Teaka Broughm, City of Leduc Director of Planning and Economic Development. “We can lose sight of knowing and seeing where our food comes by living in a city and the goal of the plan is to reconnect to local food sources and find new and exciting ways to have a productive food system locally.” 


The development of the Urban Agriculture Plan is a requirement set by the Regional Agricultural Master Plan (RAMP) completed in 2022 by the Edmonton Metroplitan Region Board. The RAMP’s focus is to support the agriculture industry and promote its diversification to expand Alberta’s economy. The UAP will support the RAMP on a municipal level.  


Learn more about the Urban Agriculture Plan at  


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