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Leduc changes Municipal Development Plan

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 9:01 AM

By City of Leduc press release

Leduc, Telford Lake

Updated Municipal Development Plan paves way for growth and densification

Approved changes impact areas previously restricted by the AVPA regulations  

Updates to the City of Leduc’s Municipal Development Plan were recently approved and will allow Leduc to grow and develop residential land in areas previously restricted by the Airport Vicinity Protection Area (AVPA) regulations.  


These allow the MDP to remain consistent with legislation, while being used as a guide for growth. It defines policies and directs decision-making related to land use planning, community service priorities, and infrastructure investment. 


“The Municipal Development Plan is a high-level blueprint that shows how Leduc is expected to change over time and these updates reflect what’s possible since the AVPA regulations have changed,” says City of Leduc Mayor Bob Young. “The updated plan now better outlines our long-term vision for sustainable land use in the city and paves the way for growth and densification.” 


Key updates to the Municipal Development Plan:   

  • Land on the east side of Leduc (south of Telford Lake) has been redesignated to allow for residential and commercial development.  
  • Urban Village Nodes are being introduced to allow for more densely built residential and commercial areas. These mixed-use developments will make it easier for people to live close to amenities, creating more convenient neighborhoods. Urban Village Nodes support good city planning practices. 
  • Required updates have been made to align with the Regional Agriculture Master Plan (RAMP), created by the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board and approved by the Government of Alberta.  
  • Reference to the City of Leduc – Leduc County Intermunicipal Development Plan has been removed. This plan was rescinded in August 2022.  


Land use changes on the southeast side of Leduc include redesignating a portion of Park to Residential. However, the current use of this land (as park and Leduc Lion’s Campground) is not restricted by the updates and may continue into the foreseeable future.   


Next steps will be to review affected Area Structure Plans and propose updates to bring them in line with the MDP. This will include reviewing the residential and employment area along the City’s eastern boundary. 


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