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Glitch delays tax notices for hundreds of Leduc residents

property tax


An apparent glitch left hundreds of Leduc residents scrambling to get their property tax notices this spring.

A spokesperson says the city became aware of the issue in late May after getting an unusually high number of phone calls.

The spokesperson says 310 homeowners were missed when the original notices were printed and mailed out.

The source of the glitch remains a mystery, but one official in the Taxation Services department suggested the post office was to blame by saying in an email "We do not know the process of Canada Post mailings."

City policy offers no forgiveness to homeowners for a missing tax notice.  The following quote appears on the city of Leduc website, and on the back of each notice;

"Failure to receive a tax notice is not reason for non-payment of taxes."

A city official says tax notices for the affected homeowners were printed manually and mailed by the end of last week.

As of this morning, the city's website shows no mention of the problem, what property owners should do about it, or what the city has done in an attempt to fix the problem.

Property taxes are due this year June 28th.


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