CALMAR -- The Town of Calmar has officially adopted its updated Snow Removal Policy.
The goal of the new policy is to define priority areas and the threshold at which the town would initiate snow removal operations. According to town staff, the policy would see public work crews hit the streets upon the accumulation of ten centimetres of snowfall.
Priority one zones listed under the new policy include Highway 39 (50th Avenue) and Highway 795 (50th Street). For Highway 39, snow will be pushed to sides and left for a minimum of 24-hours following a major snowfall to allow for property owners to clear sidewalks, following which the snow will be windrowed and removed with trucks. For Highway 795, snow will be windrowed and removed by trucks within 72-hours following any major snowfall.
Other areas listed under priority one include 44th Avenue, 51st Street South, 52nd Street South, 49th Street South, 48th A Avenue to the legion, 49th Avenue West, 47th Avenue West, 42nd Avenue Industrial, 43rd Avenue Industrial, and Highway 39 Industrial.
Priority two zones will include main roadways which lead to schools, seniors housing, arena/curling rink facilities, and the surrounding downtown core. A 48-hour parking ban notice must be given to the public via the placement of signage and social media notification. In extreme cases, the Town of Calmar reserves the right to remove snow without providing the notification.
Calmar administration says all other remaining residential roadways would be covered under priority three of the new Snow Removal Policy. In addition, back alleys will be cleared once per year during the spring months to assist with runoff issues. Snow removal would also be considered via specific request from businesses or residents.
The expectation for residents under the new policy is that rubber curb pads are removed prior to snow removal events, and that sidewalks are kept clear with snow shoveled onto their properties, not roadways. The public is also advised to ensure vehicles are removed from the street during Parking Bans and that garbage collection bins are removed from the street during non-collection days.
The Town of Calmar's original Snow Removal Policy was adopted in 2018, while the current version was drafted with the help of the town's Policy and Bylaw Committee over the past several months. It was fully approved by council this week.